
Autism Aware Nutritionist
Autism Aware Nutritionist is a 6 weeks, expert guided, niche program aimed at building the understanding of the Autism spectrum disorders amongst dieticians, nutritionists and other medical & paramedical professionals.
Nutrition being the centre of focus of the program, as it plays a crucial role in enhancing the therapy outcomes for the spectrum population.
The program is divided into 5 modules with video lectures, supporting links and documents and also comprises of live, interactive sessions for discussions.
A few assignments ensure the quality of the program and improve the learning experiences.

Adjunct Therapies in Autism
Research in ASD has been vast in the recent decades and therefore the involvement of several therapies, including MNT in Autism.
This module will take you through the most popular adjunct therapies in Autism.
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Autism Aware Nutritionist runs in periodic cycles in a year. Share your contact details to receive information for the same.